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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Angel Snow Globes

I have been trying to get ready for a Christmas Mall at the KC Hall, which is the first Sat. after Thanksgiving, which is my favorite one of the year, as many of you know I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April, have had 3 surgeries, and recovering from them, so it's been tough trying to keep up with my crafting, but I will not give up, as it's part of who I am, so I am doing what I can and will be at the event Nov. 24th, hope to see new faces and of course my followers that support and love buying what I make.

My precious Angels, this time set into a snow Globe. 


  1. So beautiful Paula,
    My friend been through same as you, much love to ya, zxxxxx

  2. So happy that you are back to crafting

  3. All are looking awesome . Great thanks for this spanking post .
