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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Eagarville Event

Been trying to get ready for an event in Eagarville, but I'm moving kind of slow, and still busy seeing Doc. making sure I recover well and making sure cancer hasn't come back, which so far I'm clear of cancer. for those of you that live close buy, here is where the event is and when. thanks for your support.

Black and white pic. finished

finally finished my Lady, I do believe she is lovely, well thats what everyone has been saying on Face Book, here she is, if you like please hit like and share please, thank you.

i wouldn't mind keeping her, but have to sell her .

Friday, April 5, 2019

Black and white

Work in progress, decided I am doing this one in black and white except the rose. Seems like roses tend to be one of my more challenging designs, because I want to make them as real as possible, for they are such beautiful creations of God. Will be posting finished pic. hopefully soon. Have a great weekend.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Easter Bunny frame

I have been trying different designs and creations that I normally dont do, there a little simpler but there fun and realaxing, here is my cute little bunny.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Friday, March 1, 2019

little Dragon

Here is  small framed dragon, isn't he adorable, I find myself always making for Girls or ladies, and hardly anything for Boys or men, so here he is, I so love how he came out, and he ended up going to one of my Grandsons, he's going to be surprised when he gets it in the mail.

wooden crosses for Easter

Been busy with Doctor appointments , making sure things are healing ok , really dealing with being tired going through all that I have been through, on top of Fibromialgia , which also makes you tired, but any way still managing on completing my Arts and craft, slow but still achieving . here are some wooden crosses I made, I stained them and made stands for them, added little wreaths symbolizing thorn crown and cut out the word Love in vinyl, then made flowers with strips of paper and sealed them. I'm really happy the way they turned out, hope you do to. Have a great weekend and take care.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Glass Angel ornaments

This is another craft I love doing, Like to incorporate different crafts together, if possiable, well these are glass Angel ornaments, there is glitter inside the glass, the wings and halo are out of craft foamand cut out on my Cricut machine. the word Love, I found a Font that I likes on computer used design space to cute them out, I do love making Angels, I'm sure you've heard this before, lol, well they stand about 21/2 "tall. Hope your  all having a nice Super Sunday.

Thursday, January 31, 2019


If you haven't noticed, I love Angels , I try to make them different, there are so many ways, and I'm bound to do so, here are a few key chains with my quilled Angels on the inside back is glitter, inside of front I found a Font and cut out them out of vinyl on my Favorite Cricut Machine, love it.
Hope the rest of the week is well for every one and those that have been hit with well below zero like here, I hope your staying safe and toasty warm.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Feathers appear when Angels are near

these were made by request, from a friend,  one of my best customer. in this post I decided to take several pics. showing steps how they became Angels, then the completed project, the quote was done with vinyl , that I made and cut on my Cricut machine, I placed a feather along with colored card stock in the back side of clear photo frame. I really love how these came out, and knowing that my brain can still work,lol. Hope you have a great week.

I think this is the longest post I've ever done, took 3 tries to get all these pics. up loaded, lol.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

just finished these wood crosses, the letters are vinyl that I cut out with my Cricut, then using strips of paper for the designs, I sealed the paper with Thick glaze which hardens and protects the paper. to make it last so much longer.
To those who Celebrate Christmas, I hope you all had a great time, and remember the reason for the season and may you be blessed in 2019.